Saturday, July 30, 2011

Boss Fights Delivered

End result of a day of programming, two new boss fights!

The mummy boss chases after the player and melees them on the ground.  If the player is off the ground, the mummy will cast a spell which will launch the player into the air.

The dragon boss emerges from a random side of the screen and breathes fire.  Afterwards, he's vulnerable for a short time.  In between attacks, fire blocks fall from the ceiling to crush the player.

Lots of fun programming behind these guys, mostly abstracting all the code written for the spider boss, and cleaning up code for "beams" - which are basically a list of vectors that can be used for collision or "drawing" lines with particle effects.

Next steps - a world map, and some scripting for dialog/story!

Friday, July 29, 2011

New Boss Design

The design doc for two new bosses!  Dragon and Mummy!

Thursday, July 21, 2011