Tuesday, June 14, 2011



Ena M - http://behindtheveil.deviantart.com/
Ena is an amazing artist and she dashed off the character sprites in Platform Hack without breaking a sweat.

JoeRoh - http://seedroh.blogspot.com/
Joe came in at the 11th hour and saved my butt - adding polish to a ton of art assets, as well as some great playtest advice.  Joe is an aspiring game designer with his own blog as well.

Anna D - http://www.annadonlan.com/
Anna drew some phenomenal logos for both Daydalus Studio and Platform Hack.  She's also a talented photographer.


Spiral Graphics Forest Tileset - http://blog.spiralgraphics.biz/2011/01/mystery-forest-tile-set.html
The tileset used in game was modified from a sample tileset found here.

Spriters Resource - http://www.spriters-resource.com/
Didn't directly use any of these assets, but the various animations in the spritesheets of classic games were big inspiration.

Steampunk Font - http://hannarb.deviantart.com/art/Steampunk-Font-148871949
Font used on the menus and popups.


nosoap radio - http://www.nosoapradio.us/
Some great video game music available here, completly free.

bfxr - http://www.bfxr.net/
Generate 8-bit sounds in the browser, then save to WAV.

soundbible - http://soundbible.com/
Lots of public domain and "open source" sound files here to use.  Anything from gun shots to bird calls.


MRPAS - http://www.umbrarumregnum.net/downloads/mrpas
Algorithm used for the Fog of War in minimaps

Platformer Starter Kit - http://create.msdn.com/en-US/education/catalog/sample/platformer

Game State Management - http://create.msdn.com/en-US/education/catalog/sample/game_state_management

Particle Effects - http://create.msdn.com/en-US/education/catalog/sample/particle

Collision Detection with Rotation - http://create.msdn.com/en-US/education/catalog/tutorial/collision_2d_perpixel_transformed


Audacity - http://audacity.sourceforge.net
Audacity is an open source sound editing suite.  It can be used to record and edit sound, and export to WAV or MP3.  I used this to record various sound effects, change the pitch or length of others, and noise.

Gimp - http://www.gimp.org/
Open source Photoshop.  Used to edit pretty much all visual assets in the game, from the sprites, in-game objects, HUD and background art.  The two biggest features are the ability to work with the Alpha (transparent) layer, and split images into Grids (which is essential for lining up textures in spritesheets / animations)

Camstudio - http://camstudio.org/
Similar to FRAPs, used to record video for playtests and trailer.

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